A downloadable RPG Zine

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Already played all the adventures from the Starter Set of Dungeon Hero?  Went straight to Volume Three: Bump in the Night and skilled Volume two?  Well, more adventures await! Print these out, fold 'em up, and get questing!

Volume Two of Dungeon Hero features three new adventures centered around a theme of Giant Beasts:

  • Web of the Spider Queen – The Queen of Spiders seeks to conquer the sunlit world above. Can you stop her before she rises?
  • Tower of the Terrapin – The Terrapin Cult hoards the only cure a beloved mentor needs. But can friends made in the City of Scoundrels be trusted to help infiltrate the tower?
  • The Lost Island – Shipwrecked on an island that was nowhere to be found on the maps, you struggle to survive on an island stuck in time.

New! Match the suggested donation and also gain access to the bonus adventure:

  • The New Hill – A massive mound of dirt and sand appears in a farmer's field. What terrors does it herald?

Note: You will need the core rulebook from the Starter Set (Volume One) of Dungeon Hero to play these adventures.

The PDF's come in two formats:

  • A Volume format containing the pages for all three booklets that you can fold into the booklet as shown in the video.
  • Standalone versions that you can reference on digital devices or print for a non-folding reference sheet.
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(26 total ratings)
AuthorLone Spelunker
GenreRole Playing
Tagspapercraft, Print & Play, Singleplayer, solitaire, solo, Solo RPG, zine


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Dungeon Hero Volume Two v. 1.0 (PDF) 4.6 MB
Lost Island Standalone v1.0 (PDF) 467 kB
Tower of the Terrapin Standalone v1.0 (PDF) 401 kB
Web of the Spider Queen Standalone v1.0 (PDF) 488 kB
The New Hill v1.0 Standalone (PDF) (Premium) 391 kB
if you pay $3 USD or more
The New Hill v1.0 (PDF) (Premium) 1.5 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more

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Is there an option for a PNP version of Outbreak on Hypatia? Gamecrafter doesn’t offer one, and suggested I check with you. Thank you for your consideration. 

(1 edit)

Sorry, not currently.  That would be a lot of cards to print out – basically, more than two decks, and one of them is a non-standard size that AFAIK you can't get card sleeves for – so it didn't seem like a game people would want to print and build from scratch.  It was kinda designed to work with the GameCrafter's specific strengths.

It's an idea, though.  Follow me here on itch – if I decide to make a PNP-friendly version, I'll post about it here!

Thank you for your thoughtful response. There’s been a couple of Geeklists over on BGG in the last few months which have stirred some interest. Thanks again. 

Are there any other Dungeon Hero games? I can’t find any produced by AdvanceQuest.

Are the called something else instead of Dungeon Hero?

If you like Dungeon Hero, you might like Fable on your Table, which uses some similar 2x2 mechanics for a more miniatures skirmish vibe, also with dungeon crawling elements.

Welcome Aboard Captain uses the same 2x2 system for solo sci-fi roleplaying.  The pre-written adventures for that game are a lot like the pre-written adventures of Dungeon Hero, but are more linear and more complicated because you track a crew of multiple bridge officers and your ship.  You can try Charon Wormhole, the tutorial adventure, for free to get a feel for what the game is like.

There have also been a few people who have made some fan expansions for Dungeon Hero, which you can find by searching here on itch.

excellent thank you for the info. I’ll save to buy Welcome Aboard.  

Woah, it's like I'm meeting a celebrity on the street. I picked up The New Hill for AdvanceQuest a couple years ago and it's one of my favorite little games. I'm excited to explore the world of Dungeon Hero!

Awesome, glad you're here.  Hope you enjoy the other adventures.

 (Note that "The New Hill" that we made for AdvanceQuest is very similar to the bonus content in the giant beasts volume, so you might want to not pay extra for the bonus content for that one if you decide to pick it up, because you basically already own an improved version of it.)

Uhm… I love these adventures, but for some reason they’re a bit crooked… maybe it’s my print settings but…


Oh wait never mind my printer was on scale to fit… sorry

No problem.  I wasn't aware there would be an issue with "scale to fit", so it's good to know.


I'm interested in maybe writing a Dungeon Hero adventure. Are there any tips to how I could/should go about this/how you go about making these great adventures?


Sure.  Here's my process:

First, I split up the adventure into fourths, with about 15-20 entries per part.  Then I roughly set the difficulties for each part like so:

*  First part is mostly d6's with some d8's.
*  Second part is mostly d8's with some d6's and some d10's.
*  Third part is mostly d8's and d10's with a few d12's.
*  Last part is mostly d10's and d12's.

I sprinkle in a few outliers here and there, but that's the basic structure.

Then I put in the twists and plot points.  You always want at least six challenges between each plot point so there's always at least one challenge between them.

More plot points and complicated twists (like the vikings in the Frost Giant adventure) take up space, so the more of these you have, the fewer entries total you'll have if you want them to fit on the 'zine, which in turn means that you might need to ramp up the d10's and d12's to add a little difficulty since the player will do fewer challenges.  (Unless those twists make things harder, in which case, you might need to ramp things down.)

I lay it all out in a word processor.  If you want it to match the style of the existing adventures, you'll want your "pages" to be 2.75"x4.25" with 0.2" margins, laid out 8 to a page on an 8.5"x11" page.  The font is "Charter", and here are the various font sizes:

*  Body is 9pt roman.
*  Plot points are 8pt italic.
*  Headers are 15pt bold with underscores.
*  Title is 22pt bold.

The image is 2.35"x2" with a 2pt black border.  I draw it by hand with a ballpoint pen and scan it in.  The lock, fight, and treasure images are just Emoji.

I'll tweak the plot points and challenges a bit so they flow nicely on the pages and don't crete orphans.

Then I playtest!  I don't release an adventure until I've beaten it, and if it seems too easy or too hard, I'll go in and tweak some of the challenge difficulties.

If you make some "Dungeon Hero" zines, let me know, and I'll share them with my followers on Twitter!


I'm excited about the idea of making some of these as well. What's the best way to get them out to people once they are made? Put them up for free on a website or put them on itch.io with a similar "pay what you want" model and a link back to the original Dungeon Hero Zine set on here? Like "Compatible with Dungeon Hero Zine" and a link? <3

Well, since I posted the above, Button Shy (a game company) has become the publisher of the game under the new name, AdvanceQuest.

I just chatted with the owner of Button Shy, and he said he'd grant permission to create and distribute fan adventures, providing:

  • Not for sale/profit.
  • They include a blurb that they're compatible with Dungeon Hero / AdvanceQuest, and used with permission.
  • No racist, sexist, or other offensive material.  Keep it "family".

I'm in agreement with him on the above.  The third point is very important – we reserve the right to revoke the permission if something offensive gets produced we don't want associated with the game. (Not that I think it's likely an issue glancing over your own work, which looks cool by the way, but it needs to be said clearly for anyone reading.)

As a side note, I see you made a roll-and-write about the Night Witches.  That is awesome!  I've got a design for a game about them, too, that I've been tinkering with off and on for years. I really need to dust it off and finish it at some point.

Sounds totally reasonable, and I'm in agreement with you both definitely. Once I finish the drafts I'm working on, I'll send copies for your review. Maybe we can work together!

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

I've been trying to figure out the "zine" template in MS Word. I used the dimensions you listed above, but when I go to print it tries to do all 8 pages as 8 individual pages. Any tips on how to fix what I'm doing wrong?

I don't use MS Word so I can't really help, but if you've set up each "page" of the 'zine as a different page in Word, it is probably thinking that you want them printed as individual pages, and the page setup is just assuming it's very small pages, so that when you go to print on regular-sized paper, it just prints one per page.

You may need to "lay them out" onto a single page to get the effect you need.

What I did was use Apple's Pages to create a bunch of small one-zine-page-sized images, and then used a layout program to position and place them into a second document that has them printable.  I imagine many word processors are capable of placing "boxes" of text in a layout so you can edit them in place, but when the pages are not in a very usable order and some of them are rotated 180°, you might find it less painful to just make the images and lay them out when done.