"Welcome Aboard, Captain" Progress

Final development of Welcome Aboard, Captain continues.

I have released a new version of the rules set to playtesters that includes some clarifications and detail for managing how your command decisions play out once your crew have followed your orders.  It strikes at the heart of how effective your command decisions are as captain.  For a long time, this was a part of the rules that I wasn't quite satisfied with, but I couldn't put my finger on the problem until recently.  But now it feels solid, and works well with the feel, flavor, and method of the procedural mission generator.

It also codifies a mechanic that effectively culls the "boring" parts of being a starship captain – the minor details that have to be handled with commands, but which aren't likely to generate interesting story or which will make the gameplay longer without adding much value. And yet, it does it in a way that doesn't remove the possibility for weird, unexpected things to come at you from those same directions. In essence, making good calls as captain gives you opportunities to tie up "loose ends" without having to roll for complications.  It's a compelling player reward that also streamlines play. Very happy with it.

Overall, the rules are feeling pretty solid!  I hope to release sometime next month, unless playtesters come back with some surprising problems.

If you're interested in the game, be sure to subscribe to me here on itch.io to be notified of release!

Get Welcome Aboard, Captain: Charon Wormhole

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