For "Dungeon Hero" fans, "AdvanceQuest" is in stock

Just got word that some AdvanceQuest games are in stock again at the Button Shy store.  Quantities are apparently pretty limited though, so grab them while you can!

AdvanceQuest is the next iteration of Dungeon Hero published by Button Shy games. Instead of a 'zine format, it comes on cards. It includes some tweaks and improvements, but it's basically the Dungeon Hero game.

Note that the AdvanceQuest adventure The New Hill is largely a republication of the same adventure from the Volume 2 adventure of the same name.  There are some small changes and improvements, but if you already own The New Hill, you may not want to buy it again unless you're wanting it for completeness.

The other adventure at the above link, Among I, the Fungi, is a whole new adventure set in the Button Shy fantasy universe.

And thanks again to all the Dungeon Hero fans for supporting the game!  It never would have gotten picked up if you hadn't been sharing and talking about it.

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Looks like the Button Shy link is broken/dead.

Yeah, as mentioned, supplies appeared to be limited and it's no longer available.  One of the adventures is still available on pnparcade, however:


Just waiting for AdvanceQuest ‘Chaos in the Chasm’ to go back in stock for the UK.  Then my dungeon hero and advancequest collection is complete…until anything new comes along.